Renowned educationist and social worker, Prof. Achyuta Samanta, was recently honored with an honorary doctorate by Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Assam during its 5th convocation ceremony. The university awarded him with a D.Litt. in recognition of his remarkable contributions to the fields of education and social service.
The award was presented to Prof. Samanta by the Hon’ble Governor of Assam, Shri Gulab Chand Kataria. This prestigious honor marks the 51st doctorate for the Founder of KIIT and KISS. Expressing his gratitude to the university authorities for the recognition, Prof. Samanta mentioned that it would inspire him to achieve more in the future.
The event was graced by the presence of several dignitaries, including Union Minister of State for External Affairs Dr. Rajkumar Ranjan Singh, Chancellor Sjt. Bhabendra Nath Deka, Vice-Chancellor Dr. Mridul Hazarika, and Registrar Prof. Mrinal Kumar Borah.
Prof. Samanta has been a trailblazer in the field of education and social work for several decades.
Over the years, Prof. Samanta has received numerous accolades and awards for his exceptional work. The recent honorary doctorate is yet another feather in the cap for this eminent personality. Prof. Samanta’s dedication and commitment to creating a better future for the underprivileged have made him a role model for many. His tireless efforts have impacted the lives of thousands of children and communities, and his work serves as an inspiration to all those who aspire to create a positive impact on society.
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