The festive season brings cheers across India. It kicks off with the Durga Puja celebrated with much fervour from in our part of the country and continues through Diwali, Christmas and the New Year celebrations as we say goodbye to the current one. The festivities provide employment, engagement, entertainment and livelihood to many sections of our society. It has done so for thousands of years.
This year, however, will be different. The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the way Indians will celebrate festivals. Large-scale celebrations and gathering of people are not allowed in most places in order to contain the spread of the virus. A majority of people are not willing to celebrate too considering how grim the situation is around the world. We’ve heard about so many families losing their loved ones, people struggling to earn a living, businesses getting shut among other challenges. Many economies in the world are facing a potentially long-lasting impact that COVID-19 is set to leave.
The year 2020 has been different in many ways. And so will the festive season be this time around. We will barely see any lights, chatter, grand celebrations and much more that we are used to seeing every year. Despite having the ability to do great things, human life is in shackles so to speak.
Like all challenges we have faced before as a race, this too shall pass. Experts from various fields are working extremely hard to make things easier for people. And when we work together in tandem, we can overcome any hurdle that comes our way. Let’s just say that this Durga Puja will be unique and will be something we will remember for the rest of our lives.
Sir Pranam! Apananku Dussehra ra hardika abhinandan.
Its a clarion call to introspect n search maa durga in one’s own home n develope those filial thoughts .Lesson from this pandemic is that we are attracted by outward sound , music polluting the environ and we forget the exact thing expected of us i.e imbibing the qualities n character of Goddess Durga .