Mothers have a special place in the lives of all children – rich or poor. For me too, mother enjoyed the exalted position. My mother took birth in a well-to-do family where she was pampered. As a resplendent girl, the fate would have her married to a rich person. On the contrary, my grandfather got her married to a simple, sober, honest yet a poor person. My father was very poor but that didn’t stop him from becoming a pious person.
One may think why have I decided to write a book on her tiled “My mother, my hero”. It’s because she was an ordinary human being with some extraordinary dreams and vision to help the society. My father died an untimely death in a train accident when Maa was barely forty. My father helped everyone in the village, sponsored education of the needy and gifted goodies to the village children despite being a petty worker in a big organization. He never thought twice about spending on others, even if he didn’t have money for his family of eight people. At times, he took hand loans to help people in need.
All the burden of running a family of seven fell on her. We were so poor that my mother had to make a difficult decision of not bringing the corpse of my father back home when he died because we were surrounded by Kaubliwalahs. (Money-lenders from Afghanistan) She explained with the move of eye to my elder brother to complete the cremation and come. From there on, she has boldly brought up her seven children facing all struggles single-handedly. This herculean task can not be described in words.
When I laid the foundation of KIIT & KISS, that went on to grow exponentially, she always insisted on development of our native village Kalarabanka. Instead of amassing wealth for the family or renovating our own cow-shed like home, she wanted me to invest in improving facilities in Kalarabanka. She has never asked me to buy her jewelery or a piece of land, or give money to other siblings but all that she asked for was to contribute to the motherland.
Women’s power helps in the holistic development of a nation and society. If importance is given to women’s empowerment, the nation and society can develop. The book is all about women’s power to bring in transformation. The main protagonist of the book is a woman, my hero mother.
Whatever I have been achieving, it is because of her values that I have picked up while growing up. She groomed me to become what I am. My accomplishments are all dedicated to her. I am forever indebted to her and in her story lies the principles and ethos that she imbibed in me to become the person I am today.
Dear Sir, How Can I get One Copy?
Mom, Mama,Bou- whatever we might call our mother that’s not her job description it’s her superhero code name.No matter how old we get sometimes we just still need a hug from mother to make everything better. Because of your mother you become a blessed child and an agent of God to do the work of God.
Definitely I Will buy it and read.
I’m very happy to see it.
Mother are the people who knows us the best and love us the most. Successful Mothers like her are not the ones that have never struggled, she among one who never give up, despite struggles and I think Sir you have rightly inherited that quality and reflected in your life. My salute to a great mother who not only gave birth to a jewel like you but also made you special, to take care of thousands of underprivileged at KISS.
Yes that time Money were scarcily available and 7 don’t imagine to gave foods in regular basis.her Patience and bond with family had an Angel’s gift to ur beloved mother.
इस ब्रह्माण्ड में मां का स्थान सबसे महानतम और ऊंचा होता है। एक ऐसी मां जो अपने पति के आकस्मिक निधन होने पर अभावग्रस्त जिन्दगी जीते हुए अकल्पनीय कष्टों को सहकर अपने छोटे छोटे बच्चों की परवरिश के लिए संघर्षशील जीवन व्यतीत करती हैं। अपने अन्तिम सांस तक दृढ़ इच्छाशक्ति और सिद्धान्तों के साथ दूरदराज के अपने गांव कलारबंका व मानपुर के विकास एवं समाज कल्याण के लिए अपने बेटे को सदा उत्प्रेरित करती रहती हैं। ऐसी आदर्शवादी, उदार एवं सदैव समाज के हित के बारे में सोचने वाली पुण्यात्मा इस युग में दुर्लभ हैं। ऐसी वन्दनीय दिव्यात्मा को शत शत नमन। वे सन्तानें कितनी सौभाग्यशाली हैं, जिनको ऐसी गरिमामयी मां ने जन्म दिया। उनके लिए ही नहीं बल्कि समूचे समाज के लिए ऐसी मां सचमुच की हीरो है।
As per my knowledge and as i knows her personally a heroic dynamic lady she was for our village. What ever I’m today a huge back up blessing hand of her was on me. She showed the path to kiit University by her legend son one and only respected Samant sir. And I promise to her heavenly soul that I will do my level best and make my organization proud ❤️?❤️
Like mother like son. Sir, you are the son of a great mother who is always thinking for the society…
“All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” “We are born of love; Love is our mother.” “Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children.” “When you look into your mother’s eyes, you know that is the purest love you can find on this earth.”
“There is no comparison of mother not even GOD”
Mother is the first teacher who can thought her son without any expectations. You are very lucky sir.
In sanskrit there is a proverb – Mother is greater than the earth. Father is greater than the sky. Really, mother Nilimarani was the real mason who chiseled a great hero DR. ACHYUTA SAMANTA. She was the harbinger of enthusiasm and harmony in her great son Achyuta Sir. She was always showering her motherly blessings on him. She was the mother of 7 children, nay mother of the village. She was a mother endowed with the best qualities of motherhood. She did not give way to any short of cowardice weakness in character building. She had a real spirit like the greatest makers of our nation. Her highest dream is her son Achyuta Samanta. She has really Built her son with all good qualities and moral values. She is an unforgettable mother. She could build the characters of many a person through her son Dr. Samanta. She was well versed in very many Odia Kavyas. She had got by heart many stanzas from Baideheesha Vilasa, Radhanatha Granthavali, Madhusudana Granthavali and was also singing those verses with her sweet and deep motherly voice. I would confer my best regards to her divine dignity and simple personality.
You are lucky to have mother like her and she’s (am saying is, coz she lives through you) lucky to have a son like you.
Like mother like son. Sir, you are the son of a great mother who is always thinking for the society